Food Journeys | Paradise is made of salt
Flor de Sal, Artisanal Salt, Salt, Sal Artesanal, Flower of Salt, Ria Formosa, Algarve, Reserva Natural, Natural Reserve, Salinas, Salterns, Portugal, Colours, Cores, Cristais, Crystals, Flamingos
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29 Nov Paradise is made of salt

Paradise is made of salt.

It has pink washed flamingos with long wings tipped in black. It is covered by marshland, Mediterranean hot climate bearing vegetation, shallow pools of clear seawater and a network of loam paths that lead you till nowhere.

There’s a vastness composed of silence and raw gemstone colours.

Your eyes plunge into the milky rose alabaster and the fire-ignited carnelian and wander in the wonders of grey hinted rhodonite, sunny honey citrine quartz, pale pink morganite and candy smooth orange calcite.

They cannot get enough of crystalized whiteness, sandy textures and nature’s creative patterns.

They’re bound to the enchanting tiny treasures of the salterns.

Over the crumbling walk path, your feet try to keep you balanced.

A minute crab disappears into the wetland while the squeaking sounds of sanderlings and pied avocets suddenly break the air muteness.

You breathe in the fresh air and look for the charcoal grains of soil interweaved with freshly formed salt crystals.

These semi-precious flakes configure the pure white flower of salt and the grains the traditional sea salt. They reflect the slow pace of an old tradition – the ancient method of harvesting salt by hand in the marshes of the Ria Formosa National Park – and of a new one – the appreciation for slow food and authentic flavours, seasoned with artisanal salt.

That’s why in my balmy kitchen, whenever I’m sprinkling my food with some of these flower of salt flakes, I just know I’ll be eating a piece of paradise.










O paraíso é feito de sal


O paraíso é feito de sal.

Tem flamingos caiados a cor-de-rosa, com longas asas tingidas de preto. Está coberto por sapais, vegetação habituada ao calor tórrido do mediterrâneo, lagoas rasas de água transparente e uma rede de caminhos argilosos que nos conduzem a nenhures.

Há uma vastidão composta de silêncio e das cores brutas de pedras semipreciosas.

Os olhos mergulham no rosa leitoso do alabastro e no fogo da cornalina, divagam no assombro da rodonite venada de cinza e no quartzo citrino melado pelo sol, na palidez rosa da morganite e no laranja guloso da calcite.

Não se cansam da brancura cristalizada, das texturas arenosas e dos padrões criativos da natureza.

Estão aprisionados nos pequenos encantos das salinas.

No estreito caminho de terra que ameaça desfazer-se, os pés procuram o equilíbrio.

Um caranguejo minúsculo desaparece pela terra enlameada dentro e o pipitar de pilritos e alfaiates quebra a mudez do ar.

Respira-se ar puro e os olhos buscam de novo o solo e a terra cinza como breu. Nela, misturam-se os cristais de sal acabados de formar, que darão origem à casta flor de sal. Dos grãos que estão por baixo formar-se-á o tradicional sal marinho. Ambas as formas são reflexo de um ritmo tranquilo: o de uma velha tradição – o antigo método de colher o sal à mão nas salinas do Parque Nacional da Ria Formosa – e o de uma nova – o apreço crescente pela slow food e pelos sabores autênticos, enaltecidos pelo uso de sal artesanal.

É por isso que, no conforto da minha cozinha, de cada vez que a flor de sal aterra no meu prato, tenho a certeza de que vou provar o sabor do paraíso.












Mrs. S
  • Merisi in Vienna
    Posted at 07:45h, 29 November Reply

    Gorgeous images, stunning really!

    A few of them remind me of Margherita di Savoia’s salt evaporation ponds. I walked along narrow pathways between them, just like you did. I wanted to get closer to the flamingos, who were populating the ponds. Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience and the beautiful way to bring back happy memories.

    (I owe it to Ilva of Lucullian Delights to have found you, grazie a Ilva!)

    • Mrs. S
      Posted at 23:25h, 11 December Reply

      Thank you Merisi.
      It’s so nice to read your words!
      It’s not very often that we get feedback from our readers and it’s very rewarding to know that people enjoy our blog.
      I’m really glad you got to know Food Journeys (I must thank Ilva for that!) and that revisited your happy experience in Margherita di Savoia.
      Hope you keep following us. We’ll be publishing a new post very soon :-)

  • Jamie
    Posted at 08:31h, 29 November Reply

    Beautiful. Truly calming.

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